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Add an annotation automatically when a New Message Posted to Private Channel in Slack

It only takes 5 minutes to automate this annotation, and NO coding skills are required.
Slack annotation on Google Analytics

Here is how to do it:
1. Login to your Crystal Ball account here
2. Create your Zapier account here, you can start FREE
3. Create a new Zap, click on "MAKE A ZAP" button

Make a ZAP

4. Type "Slack" to find the app trigger and select it

slack zapier

5. For Trigger Event, select "New Message Posted to Private Channel in Slack"

New Message posted in Slack

6. Connect your Slack account and test that everything works fine

7. Go to Slack and make sure you have created a new Private Channel

Create private channel in Slack

8. On "Set up trigger" section, choose the Channel

new campaign launched

9 Time to test the trigger

Slack test

10. Continue and select the action app, search for "Webhooks by Zapier" and select it.

Weebhooks for GAannotations

11. Select "POST" option

POST selection

12. Add the POST URL

IMPORTANT: Pay attention there is NO extra space after the URL when you paste it API

The POST URL you can copy it from the documentation page

GAannotations documantation

13. Choose "Form" in the "Payload type" section

setup integration

14. On the data section, you need to copy/paste the mandatory fields and choose the incoming data from Slack, this will be the data for the annotation

15. Scroll down to the "header", then:

  1. - Copy/paste the word "Authorization" on the header section

  2. - Copy/paste the word "Bearer" on the undefended section

  3. - Go to the API KEYS page and generate a key, copy/paste it after the word "Bearer".

    IMPORTANT :There must be a <space> between the word Bearer and Access Token.

  4. - Click Continue & Test

16. Test your ZAP

Test Zap

17. Go back to the annotations page and check if the annotations it's there, it will be also displayed on the Google Analytics account.

You can always edit or delete annotations from your dashboard ; )

Slack annotation
Slack annotation in Google Analytics

Check also "New Mention on Slack"

Check out all the Integrations!

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